8 research outputs found

    Langzeitarchivierung von Forschungsdaten : eine Bestandsaufnahme

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    The relevance of research data today and for the future is well documented and discussed, in Germany as well as internationally. Ensuring that research data are accessible, sharable, and re-usable over time is increasingly becoming an essential task for researchers and research infrastructure institutions. Some reasons for this development include the following: - research data are documented and could therefore be validated - research data could be the basis for new research questions - research data could be re-analyzed by using innovative digital methods - research data could be used by other disciplines Therefore, it is essential that research data are curated, which means they are kept accessible and interpretable over time. In Germany, a baseline study was undertaken analyzing the situation in eleven research disciplines in 2012. The results were then published in a German-language edition. To address an international audience, the German-language edition of the study has been translated and abridged

    nestor Handbuch : eine kleine Enzyklopädie der digitalen Langzeitarchivierung

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    Die Überlieferung des kulturellen Erbes, traditionell eine der Aufgaben von Bibliotheken, Archiven und Museen, ist durch die Einführung digitaler Medien und innovativer Informationstechnologien deutlich anspruchsvoller geworden. In der heutigen Zeit werden zunehmend mehr Informationen (nur) digital erstellt und veröffentlicht. Diese digitalen Informationen, die Güter des Informations- und Wissenszeitalters, sind einerseits wertvolle kulturelle und wissenschaftliche Ressourcen, andererseits sind sie z.B. durch die Kurzlebigkeit vieler Formate sehr vergänglich. Die Datenträger sind ebenso der Alterung unterworfen wie die Datenformate oder die zur Darstellung notwendige Hard- und Software. Um langfristig die Nutzbarkeit der digitalen Güter sicherzustellen, muss schon frühzeitig Vorsorge getroffen werden. Es müssen Strategien zur digitalen Langzeitarchivierung entwickelt und umgesetzt werden. ..

    Langzeitarchivierung von Forschungsdaten: Einführende Überlegungen

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    The introductory chapter of the book explains the relevance of resaerch data and measures to curate them for long term availability. Examples for relevant measures as well as examples of loss of reasearch data are given

    nestor-Handbuch: Eine kleine Enzyklopädie der digitalen Langzeitarchivierung

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    The nestor-Handbook offers a broad overview on relevant topics in digital preservation of digital objects. Experts in different aspects of digital preservation give introductory views on these topcs including hands-on-experiences. Some technical and legal aspects are analysed in detail including suggestions for taking action in digital preservation. Since 2007 the handbooks has been available as online publication. It was updated frequently until 2010

    Digital Curation of Research Data: An Introduction

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    The relevance of research data today and for the future is well documented and discussed, in Germany as well as internationally. Ensuring that research data are accessible, sharable, and re-usable over time is increasingly becoming an essential task for researchers and research infrastructure institutions. Some reasons for this development include the following: - research data are documented and could therefore be validated - research data could be the basis for new research questions - research data could be re-analyzed by using innovative digital methods - research data could be used by other disciplines Therefore, it is essential that research data are curated, which means they are kept accessible and interpretable over time. In Germany, a baseline study was undertaken analyzing the situation in eleven research disciplines in 2012. The results were then published in a German-language edition. To address an international audience, the German-language edition of the study has been translated and abridged. The present publication provides a summary of the preconditions, results, and conclusions of the baseline study “Langzeitarchivierung von Forschungsdaten – Eine Bestandsaufnahme”